Carpet Steam Cleaning

 Our high performance powerful
 truck mounted
carpet steam
 cleaning machines provide the
 maximum deep cleaning power
 neccesary to remove the  ground
 in soil and extract all the deep
 down stains and odors from your
 carpet fibers while reviving your
 carpet's original color, texture
 and softness.

 We utilize the most advanced
 cleaning equipment available and
 an absolute dedication to
 consistency and reliability.

 You can trust us with your valuable
 carpet and rug investments. 


We invite you to give us a call today, so we can effectively clean and sanitize all the areas of concern you might have with the awesome power and natural cleaning ability of steam.  

"Call Us First, You'll Be Glad You Did!"
   Steam King Carpet Cleaning Santa Barbara, Goleta, Carpinteria, CA 682-3798 Steam King Carpet Cleaning Santa Barbara, Goleta, Carpinteria, CA

Tony's Steam King Carpet Cleaning Santa Barbara CA 93109

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